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Writer's pictureRuby Reads Tarot

And so it begins...

As the moon begins its waxing phase, we officially enter spring on the 20th of March with the Vernal or Spring Equinox, when the sun leaves Pisces and enters fiery Mars ruled Aries.

Spring time like the sign of Pisces is mutable, the adaptation of constant change for everything, in order to create a present.

Soon the clocks will go forward and the days will begin to feel longer, darkness turns to light.

The New Moon in Pisces, brought with it and overly emotional, directionless energy that under the influence of Neptune which is currently home in Pisces may have you fail to differentiate the difference between true and false. be mindful that a discerning eye is engaged and that you are careful not to fly off with the fairies mid conversation as attention spans are generally a lot lower with all this dreamy energy and with so much going on!

Neptune associated to the sign of Pisces, is the planet of illusions, sacred truths and fantasy. The new moon on the 6th, would have liked us to achieve with all of this highly charged dark moon unknowing vibe, is that under all of the delusionary energy, being present in the moment, which for the ever moving fishes can be the difference between sink or swim.

So to sit with how you feel and be patient, trusting everything will work out for the best of all involved but with Mercury in retrograde (also in the sign of Pisces) sitting still and not reacting really is the hardest but best course of action.

With all the constantly moving energy, feelings might have you mis- interpreting the intentions of others.

There is a strong element of nervousness to this neptunian energy, so don't let worry cloud your judgment and perhaps wait until the Full moon in Libra on the 21st of March to balance out the cosmic scales, Justice is ultimately the server of karma.

Where things have felt hidden or distrustful, the full moon will shine its light and illuminate issues of what's been hidden and universal law will have to do its part, serve justice.

On the 21st of March the Full Moon in Libra is the first full moon in 40 years which also happens to be a super moon which draws in the Spring Equinox.

This Full Moon will bring relationships under examination, as it is in a sign ruled by Venus the planet of love.

the energy will very much be about resolving imbalances amongst relationships, using beauty to be the theme of the month there is a subtle backdrop of beauty to all of our encounters.

This if ever, is a time to believe that opposites attract. since we are all connected by the invisible strings of energy and attachment, it would be a great time to do heart chakra mediations with stones like Rhodochrosite or chrysoprase or use affirmations to create the environment of love and security after such an emotionally toiling Pisces season. Creating gratitude lists are very helpful in lifting our moods by seeing the beauty already existing in our lives.

In the Tarot, Libra is depicted as the Justice card and the symbol of the balanced scales that 'serves as a compelling witness to the importance of honesty and truth' this full moon will bring with it the strong need to embody cosmic order and make right the things we know are wrong in our lives. Libra governs the 7th house which we look to for relationships, marriage, intimacy and partnerships. Since the universe is made of rules and this time more than ever the scales will need to be balanced and for justice to take its course. Integrity will be tested as karma is at play, this is a very karmic time and in order to best serve your peace of mind, let go of things that you know are tipping your own scales.

Use this full moon to focus on equanimity, problems solving by using diplomatic solutions, compromising but moreover to carry it off with grace and finess.

The sun as always brings with it heat and lightness so enjoy the light hearted mood of this Full Moon, gather with friends and family and celebrate the pinnacle of another lunar cycle that brings the promise of humanitarianism, with the appreciation of beauty and the arts.

The best way to harness this energy is to find expression through artistic pursuits. the cardinality of the Libra Super moon is expected to bring great change, you decide if its one in a positive direction or not, the scales will never lie, so take an approach of looking at the facts.

As 7th house looks over kidneys and lower back, be mindful to stay hydrated and to focus on stretching out your lower back to loosen tension that if left to stagnate may be causing any imbalances to your flexibility, mood and quality of life.

Spring initiates new life it is wonderful energy to plan rebirths and new beginnings, acceptance that nothing stays the same and things will inevitably change is such healing way to look at things. it gives you a force to make peace and be happy with your choices and decisions.

Pisces season is ultimately about personal strength, we all have it and sometimes knowing when to cut your losses and move forward in the direction of personal strength and power is one that is not only liberating but it is one that prevents a lot of the pain from becoming chronic or worse accepting a poor situation as satisfactory, so use this time from now until the full moon to plan, strategies and make yourself a priority. Self care is a ritual that one can actively engage in order to protect yourself from negativity, low self esteem or even emotional abuse.

Stepping away from overly dramatic situations means we are actively being responsible for our well being, however insuring we are not over reacting or looking at things with rose tinted glasses is also just as important.

Swim deep in the darkness of the ocean and when you feel you can no longer use the senses you are use to relying allow yourself to turn to the strongest sense you can posses, your faith and the promise of universal balance. Wrongs will be righted and the wheel of fortune will find itself out of the depths of the dark ocean to the highest point of the mountain. Aries season promises a bang, just make sure you're rid of the dead weight so the momentum of this season gets you fired up for this new opportunity called spring time or the 'rebirth'.

Love Ruby


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