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February 2020 Intuitive Horoscope.

The month of Valentines day and Fixed air. February comes with a powerful mix of planetary energies. This season brings the end of some chapters and the opening of new doors.

The highlights of the month are Venus entering Aries, just in time for Valentines day, passion and lust are ramped all the way up. The Leo Full Moon taking place on the 8th (Pacific standard) and the 9th everywhere else. A time of bravery and courage, time to take action on sowing those seeds that that we wish to grow in 2020. Mars enters Capricorn where where it helps us find the a balance between pleasure and pain. Mercury goes into retrograde as the Sun enters Pisces and tings begin to get real dreamy and the Pisces new moon opens us up to a whole new level of intuition.

Let's see what February brings for each sign,

Aquarius, Time to live in your truth. This is the time for new horizons and no one ever said that emerging out of your own way was easy, but its oh, so necessary. The sun shines down on you and brings with it enough courage and self confidence get get those things on the pending list well and truly done.

proactivity is a key to surviving your season but with Mercury in Pisces, some much needed reflection might need to happen first.

Pisces, Do you feel that? As the Sun gets closer to your sign, the heat is beginning to rise in your self accomplishment sector. Are you satisfied with the progress you have made this last year? What is it you wish to accomplish in this new solar return? This is the time to makes dreams come true so get as in touch with your wants. Everything is possible once you put your mind to it, but its all about having a can do attitude. So get to clearing out the weeds so you can sow those seeds come time of your New Moon.

Aries, This February is a bit of a dream state for you. Spend some time in your head and discover your very own being. Take it easy and try not to exert too much effort in forcing things, instead rediscover desires you had but had forgotten about. February brings with it great opportunities for you to travel and take short trips. This is also a great time for vision boards.

Take extra care with yourself as you might find yourself naturally questioning your career and if you are making the right money moves for you.

Taurus, Uranus has come out of retrograde in your sign which bring a lot of forward momentum. Expect February to challenge your limits. And its probably better for you to get used to big changes as this entire year will feel like a U haul of everything you once knew. Remember change is as good as a holiday.

Gemini, The north node prepares to go into your sign this year and this month is when you begin to feel the shift in energy. This month as Mercury prepares to go into retrograde make peace with yourself and your past. once that's done, ORGANISE!

Come Valentines day, love is in the air and you'll be glad you cleared the air. Find love in the moment, be kind to the people you love and patient with those you don't. People don't know what's going on with you, people arn't in your head. Thats just the other twin, start with them first.

Cancer, Life just beautiful isn't it? Things have settled nicely and the water has cleared once again. Romantic vibes right from the get go in February, there is love in the air and you're in a lovey dove mood. Stay with that vibe. It brings you love, sweet secret rendezvous and some serious steamy passion. With all that excitement don't skip the gym!

Leo, Sleep, Hydrate, repeat! Rest and relax as much as you can this month. Rest brings rejuvenation and inspiration. This full moon illuminates a lot of issues of self esteem. Be prepared to look at where you may have been going along with something that doesn't resonate with you any more. The full moon brings a much needed boost in confidence and some inspiration to chose the path that was destined for you.

Virgo, Joy. February can feel like a merry go round at the funfair, if you decide early on in the month what deserves your attention and what doesn't. its time to go towards what fascinates you and put new structures in place for you to cultivate your creativity. Set new goals for yourself everyday , start small but try new things in self care and exercise. Accomplishing daily goals will make you feel good about the process your making. Bear in mind, work is best when its fun, so bring as much joy as you can into your daily routines. Start to work on your garden and think of organic options to incorporate into your home made recipes diet! You will have a lot of energy so don't stop until you're done this month Virgo, get used to doing a lot as this year will grow your stamina and endurance. Venus in Pisces for Valentines day makes this an almost etherial time, Love is everywhere including the air we breathe to the reflection in the mirror.

Libra, February asks you take stock of your energy levels and see where it is you can better manage your time. Winter is naturally a time of hibernation so make the time to catch an early night where possible and use energy management exercises like yoga and ti chi to manage your energy. Should you feel your emotional reactions to the trivial are getting the better of you, retreat. Clear your mind, your heart. Work harder to relax more and question whether you can do more to relax. Avoid the caffeine this month, a over stimulated mind is a playground for calamity!

Scorpio, When was the last time you felt a real connection to the friends and family around you? If things begin to feel real disconnected February asks you take the time to reconnect with those you love or even old friends you miss. Sleep and stillness is a very important for you this month, the stillness helps the dust settle long enough for you to see what's really going on around you. Go deep with yourself this month, honesty about how you may have reacted in the past may have caused you to miss out on some key relationships, this might be time to make amends.

Sagittarius, once Mars moves into Capricorn the edge of this very intense 'am I doing enough with my life?' energy comes off a bit. But with that so does the passion and drive. The stars are aligned for your success this month. Dance with the fire with passion, its placements like this that truly bring you to life. So get up and DANCE.

Capricorn, February 2020: Heres a blank space.... Write in it whatever you want. Love wins and so do your dreams, just be willing to grab the wand and use it with authority once mars goes into your sign.

Have a beautiful February loves!

Head over to the youtube channel for February Tarot readings search Ruby Reads Tarot.

Love Ruby xx

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