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Writer's pictureRuby Reads Tarot

Final Lessons...

Uranus moves from Taurus back into Aries of November 6th, where it will be going in retrograde until January 7th, before it goes direct again into Taurus, leaving Aries for the next 80 years.

This is and will for the most part remain a nervous energy.

So, it will be important to remember that any sort of outlet is a good idea.

My key suggestions, hit the gym, work off the aggression Uranus in Aries generally brings and well... cleaning.

A trick I picked up, I use the time while I clean to organise and arrange my thoughts e.i if something is bothering me or I need to think of a solution to a problem. This help's me arrange my thoughts so unnecessary delays or disturbances wouldn't hinder an otherwise productive day.

This period is one final look at what needs a resolution, a time of addressing our fears, and if you don't want to look at it, I'm afraid, now isn't going to be the time to turn a blind eye.

It is a time where we are to practice all the lessons we've been learning since November 2010. No short cuts, no scape goats just pure heart.

Uranus is testing you to see what you're made of, and if you are truly ready for this next phase of Uranus transit.

This transit is a period of questioning ourselves, to hash and rehash within yourselves to address what we already know but can no longer ignore. See Uranus will pull on those heart stings, it's going to make you question everything you've been doing, the how's and why's.

Its time to face the music, finding inner peace and calm might be trickier during this period because Uranus, the foreword thinker in the head strong Aries energy just won't let it go on any longer.

It is now the call to direct the way you're living your life so you can let existing pattern fall by the wayside and for the necessary changes to unfold, Be it in relationships, homes, friends and job's.

Where do you already know you've been doing something that doesn't agree with your better judgement? Perhaps its asking you address that feelings of guilt, anxiety or suspicion you have been burying?

If something makes you feel off or like there's an elephant in the room, its time to question it.

What is it we can do to proactively change our internal situation from bad habits or behaviours that hinder our inner peace?

In order to live a peaceful and harmonious life it is essential that we are best serving our integrity.

It is time now to invite that change into your life so you can without struggle live in your authentic truth. You have survived the lessons and now it's time to upgrade your life.

The key with this phase, really is to look deep within ourselves.

And some times we don't even need to look that hard, but to look for what it is that really triggers you, you know, what gets your heart to skip a beat, just the very mention of this thing gets you flushing hot and cold.

Whatever it is you will have to face it head on, and the best way to over come any sort of fear is to isolate each component of it and sit with each of them, dissecting it's entirety, util you truly understand what its is and why it brings out stress responses in you.

Only when you have sat with each of your fears, and throughly looked at its a good idea to keep a journal where you write down all the things that come to your mind about your fears and how you break them into small enough chunks that you can mentally grasp and compartmentalise.

Only what you have throughly researched what it is that is holding you back, that you no longer need to be overwhelmed by it by you can see it for what it is.

This energy also wants you to put down any unnecessary stresses, issues that you may have picked up, taking on battles that can be easily avoided or not yours anyway.

So the time for a new chapter is here. Any lessons you are given, trust yourself enough to know you already know how o handle it!

It is time for you to live this new revised you.

So onto a New Chapter...

Love Ruby


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