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Writer's pictureRuby Reads Tarot

New Moon, New Beginning. Guide to thriving this new Moon in Aquarius.

The beginning of an intellectual new moon cycle, one that promises revolutionary ideas, social consciousness and pioneering a better tomorrow.

Tonight at 21:03 GMT the New Moon aligns with the Sun and enters 15 degrees into Aquarius, this gives us a fresh (much needed)new set of circumstances and new objectives for this cycle.

We have officially entered middle winter, Imbolc. And with spring a few weeks away, you should be ready to sow some seeds, preverbal and otherwise.

Venus has left fun, Sagittarius, where love looked like discovery, philosophy and adventure and will enter stoic Capricorn, which shouldn't be quite as bad as it sounds.

Love will take on a classic tone, focus will be on nurturing relationships and putting in the hard work to climb to new heights of closeness and pragmatism.

There is a truth in this Venus transit that takes on a style all of its own, working hard for results yet boisterous but honest.

Mercury will leave 'think out of the box' Aquarius and enter 'artistic' Pisces on the 10th, this will bring about slow dreamy energy which might act as a subterfuge, as the pioneering energy of Aquarius is perhaps lacking the intuitive energy of Pisces. You may find communication to be quite melodramatic yet remain gentle and wise.

New moons are opportunities to wipe the slate clean as they offer us a new beginning and help us close certain chapters in our lives. Ask yourself 'What am I ready to let go of, internally and externally?'

This particular new moon is also the launch of the lunar new year, which is also called the Chinese New Year. 2019 Is the year of the Golden Pig and one that brings with it prosperity, abundance, endless possibility and with Jupiter in the happy go lucky sign of Sagittarius the possibilities for adventure, self love and creation are truly endless.

The key to thrive this cycle is to think of new approaches to old problems. Aquarius depicted in the tarot is the Star card.

Aquarius being the 11th sign in the zodiac also governs the 11th house, where we look in our charts to find information about social groups, technology and is representative of the ankles, shins an calves in our body. Aquarius is fixed Air energy and is much like a star, still and clearly placed.

The star card is a depiction of alchemy, and for this cycle, focusing on ones health (diet and mental) is magic in its own.

the trick is to be as healthy on the inside to show externally.

with all that fixed air energy you may find you would like to let of some steam, healthy pursuits such as exercising ones muscles (mental and body muscles.)

The energy of such an aloof sign might manifest in some serious need of alone time. Self reflecting and shining some light on your own inner workings (Aquarians love to figure out how things work) So taking the approach of looking to heal ones self by a detached and honest assessment of what's going on with your emotions and some internal healing could really help in bringing forth the best you, on the inside and outside.

Air holds no form, so it is important this season not to be rigid about anything, by going with the flow you allow true creation to take place in your life.

You could find yourself no longer weighing things with the same scale, things that were once important no longer have any meaning and things once considered relevant, now dated and out of style.

Fixed air energy can become stagnant if not moved around, the best way to over come this is to practise exercises that focus on intentional movement like ti-chi, weight lifting and power walking.

Keep you Life force energy levels or otherwise called 'Chi' up by practising breathing, meditation and releasing what no longer serves you.

Fixed air energy can become stagnant if not moved around, the best way to over come this is to practise excersices that focus on intentional movement like ti-chi, weight lifting and power walking.

This evenings new moon is the energy of the wise old man, who acts as a proverbial water bearer, sharer of information and new aged ideas. Honour your ideals and use maturity to resolve any pressing issues in your life.

Farsightedness can bring you win after win, so stay focused on the now.

Lots of Love,



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