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Writer's pictureRuby Reads Tarot

Venus retrograde in Libra, Hallowing Love Stories... Halloween 2018.

Venus is Moonwalking home on Halloween 2018 and then direct again on the 16th. If the rose coloured glasses hadn't fallen off during Venus retrograde in Scorpio, then lets take em off for a hot minute while Venus transitions back home in Libra and the emotional hang ups we've had of late, simmer down (Oh, so slightly).

Venus is home in Libra, however she's moonwalking and all the while trying to balance the instability thats holding up the whole show. Prepare to be tested.

It might be time to for a little me time, while you size up your relationship.

Is the status quo too comfortable for that niggling change in your situation that perhaps needs a little tweak or a major over haul?

Minor annoyances can generally, become a bigger issue at this time so try to maintain prospective.

Things can really go one way of the other and unfortunately it's swinging in between extremes.

Be mindful thoughts of breaking up aren't because of the need to balance and get things centred, all this pressure would throw anyone off,Its all about your perceptions. So that absolute want to tie the knot this very instant is perhaps just a flight of fancy.

Bear in mind that during any retrograde what you put in is what you get out. So if your willing to put the time and effort into a situation that you know you could resolve, its a great time to openly address issues and bring them to the table as Venus which is all about harmony can assist in seamlessly ironing any issues out.

Its about the dark side of our duality, be it our relationship with self and others.

its imperative to look at our own short comings and see where we may attribute to others behaviours and reactions.

A sure fire way of being successful this transit is to see where we can find common ground with others, remain objective, but try to see other points of view.

Create healthy boundaries and don't let them be crossed, remain in your power by saying no where necessary.

Make ME time a priority and try to make special US time, that you share with those you love.

Remember Venus is all about the Heart guys, so more than anything don't be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve and feel exactly what this time is telling you because therein a very healing lesson in it, one you will come out of this retrograde grateful for.

Love Ruby


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